This portrait has a very special meaning to me, as it is that of my dearest childhood friend Nezabravka (Neza for short) with whom I grew up in Oriahovo, Bulgaria. Her name is that of the tiny Forget-me-not flower that is blue like the sky and very delicate. Those who knew Neza may wonder why her hair is not dark, like it was, and why the colors are so pink… Well, it is because I’m seeing her now in a different world, filled with flowers and light, feeling content. Still, I want to ask her if she may be a little lonely after all..
To Neza
Мy childhood friend with a name of a flower,
What a mind game are time and space..
In freezing cold winters, in cool summer showers
That Mona Lisa smile never left your face.
Tell me, please, this: where you reside now
Are there fig, quince, and golden plum trees?
Are all-color flowers, like the ones in your garden,
Looking out the window, the first thing you see?
Are there fences to climb and hidden tree towers,
little kids laughing in blissful delight?
Dear childhood friend with a name of a flower,
Just wanted to know that you’re alright.
На Неза
Мое детско другарче с име на цвете,
Пространството, времето—илюзорни са те.
И в студените зими и в летни прохлади
На Мона Лиза усмивката бе на твоето лице.
Смокини и дюли и златно-жълти сливи,
Има ли, кажи ми, там дето си сега.
И пъстри цветя както в твойта градина
От прозореца виждаш ли най-напред сутринта?
А дали има огради, скрити дървесни кули
И смях на дечица в блаженен захлас
Мое детско другарче с име на цвете
Всичко вярвам на ред е при теб в този час.
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