Professional Artist Marieta Darrah
I’m so excited to welcome you to my online Art Gallery illuminart Designs and share my artistic inspirations with you. Here, in addition to the paintings, you’ll find my poems and short stories. I’ll be adding new art often, including art for children, so if you don’t want to miss anything, please subscribe to receive notifications from me. I started doing art when I was very young, and one of the first drawings I remember I did was that of princess Draupadi from children stories from India based on the famous Mahabharata. Even though fine art took backstage in my life later, I never stopped creating or being creative. The biggest inspiration for all my artwork comes from nature. We had a huge yard and even bigger neighborhood that was all trees and herbs and so many places to explore. Being exposed to the natural world allowed me to develop a special connection with it for which I’m very grateful. This connection became even stronger when I went to China to study Qigong. I’m very grateful to my parents and grandparents who encouraged me to do the things I was interested in and provided their constant support to me to their best ability.
When it comes to art, I’m interested in many subjects, as life is multifaceted and it takes more then a lifetime to explore it. I paint both traditionally and digitally, and use Corel Painter, for professional painting and digital art. I’m also grateful to all my friends and teachers who’ve inspired me to continue to grow as a digital artist.
I’m interested in a variety of work projects that require creativity as in: Large prints for Walls, logo/business card design, product packaging design, corporate identity design, murals, city and urban art design, banners and posters and book illustrations.
If you are a hair salon, restaurant, hospital, medical/dental, law, holistic business and would like your work environment to display amazing art for your customers, I’d be very excited to discuss how we can make this happen. Please use the contact form and let me know about your project.